Doesn't everybody strive for that perfect 'candlelight' glow on their cheeks, especially during the dull ole' winter month...
Oh Dear, Another Haul...
Oh yes girlie's, its another haul! Sorry for the lack of ' proper ' posts recently, its seems all my spare time is spent shoppi...
Long Outstanding & Holiday Haulage...

Here's a few little bits and pieces I have picked up in the last month or so... and a couple that have travelled all the way from Lanza...
Top Hairstyles Britney Spears 2010

Hairstyles Britney Spears 2010 Image Hairstyles Britney Spears 2010 Image Hairstyles Britney Spears 2010 Hairstyles Britney Spears 2010 Hair...
Seriously In Need Of A Little Hair Therapy

Hola Chickens! I am seriously in need of some big hair help from you all, up for the challenge? ;) Seems that lately my hair has been more ...
Summer, where arte thou?
School. Homework. Projects. Oh the dreaded words. Long gone are the days of waking up at noon, to find the whole day stretched ahead of me, ...
Top Cosmetics Models Pictures
Top Collection Short Haircuts For Women

Short Haircuts For Women Short Haircuts For Women Short Haircuts For Women Short Haircuts For Women Short Haircuts For Women