Oh yes girlie's, its another haul!
Sorry for the lack of 'proper' posts recently, its seems all my spare time is spent shopping and taking on my ever growing pile of homework rather than blogging, whoops!
Promise promise promise there will actually be some good posts up soon...
Last Sunday I went to town determined to find the perfect winter staple pieces that would last throughout the whole of the cold season. And what did I come back with you ask? A truck load of makeup and summer clothes.
I know, I know, I'm a bad shopper! I spend all my money in Superdrug and then while out clothes shopping I panic buy on things I don't really need. But hey ho, what can you do?! Here are my goodies the I picked up...
After all your fabulous advice on the comments of my Seriously In Need Of A Little Hair Therapy post where I asked for advice on my flat, dull boring hair, I was determined to go out and pick up a few things to get my hair from hideous to hair-mazing! And after a few minutes browsing the shelves of the lovely Superdrug, I picked up these lovelies, Tresemme Reconstructing Deep Conditioning Treatment Mask, from the (bargainous) £2.50, and Tresemme Heat Defence Spray, £2.50. And I have to say, what a treat my hair got that night! The conditioning mask really is an amazing product, leaving my hair shiny in just 10 minutes, and so soft I spent the following day stroking it and forcing my friends to feel just how amazing my hair felt. And as for the the heat defence spray, lets just say there will be no more heat damage for my hair, horahh!!
Now for the cheapies in my little haul!
I was over the moon when on my little trip into Superdrug I discovered my local had finally got MUA products, and, not one to ignore new makeup, I bought Shade 17 of the eyeshadow, for the tiny price of £1. Speaking of things for £1, upon popping into the Pound Shop, I discovered this little bargain, Loreal Paris Shadow Minerals in Gold. Ohh I do love the pound shop, this colour is a stunning iridescent true gold and what an amazing find in the pound shop!?
To make up the 3 in my 3 for 2 deal on Barry M products I picked up this gorgeous lip gloss in Coral (No. 11) after becoming obsessed with the Toffee lip gloss, which as the name suggests smells amazing! This is no different, and smells like sweets, and what a beautiful colour!
I also picked up the essential Vaseline, and while browsing the makeup, as usual, I found something I've wanted for, well, forever. Me Me Me Beat The Blues Highlighter in Sunbeam, for just £4.50 was added to my rather large shopping basket. And boy oh boy am I glad. This highlighter really is lovely, adding such a beautiful sun ray highlight, which will look perfect in summer next year. (Who cares if I'm a bit early? ;)
And finally on my little Superdrug-spree, I picked up these Self Grip Velcro Bedtime Rollers for £3.50. Now, these I'm not too sure about as the first time I tried these I succeeded in getting them stuck in my hair, and rather than creating beautiful tumbling curls, I got messy birds nest hair instead, not a good look, let me tell you. So my question is, has anyone tried Velcro rollers and if so how do you use them?
Another couple of staple items were picked up were leggings (H&M, £7.99) and spotty tights (Primark £2). I'm seriously in need of some decent leggings after a few horrific accidents with the devilish Primark leggings, where they decided to split while I was out- cringe!!
These gorgeous little booties were a steal from Primark for just £15, woo whooo! Perfect for winter and just about perfect for everything else too...

I picked up this simple but gorgeous baggy t-shirt in Primark for just £4. The detailing is edgy and this is the perfect t-shirt for lazy days over leggings.

For just £11, this adorable little heart jumper was another bargain buy from Primark. I bought it two sizes too big so it would be slouchy and comfortable for those cold days, but still pretty with its cute heart design.

And another Pimark bargain, at £4, this little vest top with flower embellishment is so pretty and feminine, so who cares if its more summer than winter!

And finally, the last cheapie of the day was this pretty summer dress from New Look, for just £7 in the sale. Its a beautiful khaki colour and the detailing is just lovely.
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