Oh yes, its that time again. The time where shops turn into classrooms, parks turn into text books and minutes turn into long, dragged out h...
FOTD ft. My Sister
Say hello to my lovely big sister Sophie everyone... *waves*! I know, she has ridiculously nice lashes! Yesterday, Sophie was off out for a ...
Major ELF Haul...
Eeekk... it finally arrived! My long awaited and lusted after ELF haul showed up this morning in a hugeee brown box (it should be huge for ...
A few tags/awards that need catching up with...

Yayy, my blog has substance :) Thank you to the beautiful Dollface for this lovely award :) I also received this award, My Beauty Blogger...
Mr Postman, You Legend!
Postman Pat, Postman Pat, Postman Pat and his black and white cat... For me, the doorbell ring a ding-ing is always a good sign. It is the s...
My Not Particularly Secret Obsession

Apart from make-up, of course, I have one other complete and utter, shameful obsession. Big Brother I know, I know, some would say its a loa...
You Give Me Hope.

Today, whilst perusing random websites for a cure for my boredom, I came across this... givesmehope.com What an amazing website. Reading thr...
A wee Step Up 3D outfit...
Step Up 3D, one of the most eagerly awaited dance films ever was out this week and lucky old me skipped down to my local pictures, donned my...