Firstly, I am so so so so excited! 100 followers, Yippppppeeeee :) Thank you all so much for your support, you are all amazing! And now onto...
Would You Rather?

The lovely Fern tagged me in this post... :) Be extremely beautiful or extremely intelligent? -extremely beautiful. Go without brushing you...
Benefit- My New Obsession...

I've always been a girl with expensive taste, and my new obsession is no different! Lately I've been reading review after review aft...
Recipe for the purrr-fect fake tan! :)
When the sun comes out, England goes into overdrive. There's bikini clad people hanging around on every corner, ice cream trucks rotate ...
justin bieber haircut

want to know Justin Beiber haircut He is Fifteen-year-old pop music brilliant Justin Bieber abounding the MTV Video Music Awards. The event,...
ELF haul time! :)
£38 and 4 days of waiting and jumping up every time the post man came knocking later, my lovely big ELF order finally arrived! After bouncin...
Model Rambut Cowok 2010

Latest Hair Trend guy this year. Boys hair styles in 2010, after discussing yesterday's hairstyle trends 2010 girls, it turns out the gu...