I've always been a girl with expensive taste, and my new obsession is no different!
Lately I've been reading review after review after review on Benefit products, and there so damn pretty I can't help but fall in love with them!
I know, I know don't judge a book by its cover and everything, but they really are so beautiful. I'm just a sucker for good packaging I guess and I just have to try some out after seeing amazingly cheap prizes on eBay at the moment!
So here are the few of the things I've been lusting after...

(All pictures used from Benefit Cosmetics)
Just one downer though...
Still haven't received my free benefit lip gloss which i won with my flake, its been a month! :(
Oh well, hopefully it will come soon!
Now i need your help- which of these products do you recommend, or are there any others you like?
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