My absolute favourite lip stick, Gosh Darling , layered over lovely ELF 'Nicely Nude' lipstick, and for the final touch, the oh so ...
Gaya Rambut Pendek Aura Kasih
Gaya Rambut Andhara early

Andhara early is beautiful actress from indonesia, she always had short hair , but she is very beautiful with that short hair. sometimes ...
Cameron Diaz Hair Bald style

Have you ever know That CAmeron Diaz is Bald when performing the recent film?actually it is not true bald Cameron Diaz is flouncing aro...
Barbara Meier hair style

look at Barbara Meier Hairstyle . so cute and beautiful, she is the Winner of "Germany's Next Top Model", Barbara Meier is str...
Adair Howell hair style
Roseanne Hustinx hair model

Roseanne Hustinx with red hair model so young and beautiful actress with red hair
Judith Bedard Red Hair style
How To: Messy Beach Hair
One of my favourite hair styles to wear during summer is the messy beach hair waves. This look can be achieved so very easily with the help ...
Hauls + Freebiesss!
The has got to be my lucky month. It seems the magazines are being ultra generous at the moment! Glamour and More I'm talking to you- an...
Cute Thursday ;)

Que the obligatory *ahhhhh*'s and *ohhh*'s when I show you these little beauties that made me cry with cuteness... Images from we♥it...
Update & Apology :P
I'm a complete slacker - I know. But I have good reason to be! The last few days I've been down in Cornwall on an art trip avec my ...
Barry M Advice pleeaaseee??

I admit it I am bad blogger *Slaps hand!* Sorry I've been so MIA this week, its been a hectic mix of homework, exams, revision, birthda...
How To: Update you Jeans for Summer! :)
OK, so right at this moment its poring it down, but don't be fooled, it is officially SUMMER! :D So, this got me thinking that it was ti...