I was given the award by two people! Lucky me! :):)
Thank you to the gorgeous Dollface and the beautiful Nicola! Your so sweet! *Virtual Hugs all round!!*
The Rules:
1. Thank the person that gave this to you :) Go on, give them a virtual hug!
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.
3. List 3 things you love about yourself ♥

4. Post a picture you love (e.g a person you adore etc.)
5. Tag people you wish to pass this award on to :)
Three things I love about myself:
- I love that I try my best to be a good person whenever I can, although sometimes its difficult.
- I love that I am 5 foot 8 inches tall and don't care anymore. I used to think this was a curse because I towered over my friends, but now everyone seems to be growing, I don't feel like such a giant anymore. YAY for being tall! :)
- I love that I have amazing friends, and I'm happy with myself.
Wowza, I didn't realise how difficult it was to find three things you love about yourself! :/
And a picture I love:
Because I lobbeeee them :) ♥♥♥
And now to tag some other beautiful people for this award, because your just amazing...
Thank you so much hun! :)

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