After my disappointing 'not even big enough to be called a haul' haul at the weekend, my shopping list was still as long as my arm and I was craving to hit the shops once again!
So naughty, naughty me scurried of to town to pick up the latest haul...
I picked up these little beauty's in boots. Tinted moisturiser is a must-have for summer and this Natural Collection version is perfect. A bargain at £1.99, I wasn't expecting much, but when I tried it I was pleasantly surprised, as it actually looked great, with its only downside being that it doesn't contain SPF. The lipstick from 17 was on £3.99 in Balmy Beige and is a beautiful peachy beige colour which looks amazing...

Darn it, its prettiness suckered me in!
Next up on my shopping list was a fake tanning mitt to stop my grubby, little hands getting tangoed. I found this bargain in Primark for £2, and I can conclude after using it this morning, that it works, there wasn't a streaky orange stripe on my hands in sight!
On a quit visit to TG Huges I discovered their stash of St Moriz tanning sprays which I had been looking for for a while and which I snatched up for £2.99- BARGAIN! Comparison of mousse and spray St Moriz will be coming soon...
Upon popping into Wilkinson's to grab a bag o' pick n' mix, I saw this little bargain, 2 packs of Skin Therapy Facial Wipes for just 98p! Whoop!
Of course on a little nose around Primark, I picked up few steals. Some new leggings at £3 and this pretty dotty cardie for £5, down from £11! Good Times! I also couldn't resist this cute little bow ring for just £2!
Barry M Coral is on my finger nails if you wanted to know :)
By far, the best buy of the day were these couple of Max Factor mascaras from Superdrug, False Lash Effect and Lash Extension Effect. I also got my mummy one of the Max Factor Masterpiece mascaras as there was a 3 for 2 on all of Max Factor Products, oh Superdrug I do love thee!
Therefore, I ended up spending about £20 (£10 contributed from my mummy) on 3 mascaras! So technically, for the more mathematical of you, £10 for two Max Factor Mascaras, yayy! :D
That's it for my haulage for today, hopefully there wont be another haul for a while as I am severely lacking in the pennies department.
Have a great weekend my beauties! :)

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